Monday, October 21, 2019

Could not convert string to DateTimeOffset: 0001-01-01T00:00:00. Path '[0].LastDirSyncTime', line 1, position 104.

Exchange Hybrid Configuration Wizard errors, always fun.

What the Microsoft? How is this useful

'Could not convert string to DateTimeOffset: 0001-01-01T00:00:00. Path '[0].LastDirSyncTime', line 1, position 104.'

After lots of research and hardly any results for this strange error I was able to find a work around.

As the server I was performing this work on was in GMT+9:30 timezone the latest build of HCW was failing with the above error.

The logs showed no more information than this error and the credentials were correct.

Long of the short of it, a change in TimeZone (Not clock) resolved the issue to at least get the Hybrid Config finished.

I tried UTC-1:00 without success, so UTC-8:00 seemed to do the trick in the end.

And now we're good.

So hopefully this helps someone after the huge lack of info I could find online about this error!

Thanks Microsoft.🙄


G said...

Worked for me, but setting the timezone to GMT (UTC)!

Unknown said...

Thank you for posting this! I had the same problem. Same as the previous commenter, I changed TZ to UTC, but that did not help. After selecting UTC + 0:00 (Londen etc.) it did work.